It manifests itself with a passion for nature, interest in the natural environment. It is the ability to recognize and categorize the world of plants, animals and other natural objects. People who are dominated by this type of intelligence are curious about the world, “understand the language” of animals, like to be outdoors, like to experiment and experience themselves, they are often interested in ecology. They skilfully classify objects in a hierarchy, they notice dependencies and patterns in nature. They are keen on observing, recognizing and studying the world of plants and animals. They are fascinated by the surroundings, they eagerly collect natural specimens, albums, films or books about nature. They are interested in natural, physical and chemical phenomena. They are happy to get involved in taking care of the animals or garden. They like to relax in the bosom of nature.
If you are a person who is dominated by naturalist intelligence, many of the following statements apply to you:

you are curious about the world that surrounds you

you like to be outdoors, relax in the bosom of nature

you like to experiment, experience, carry out experiments yourself

you are interested in ecology, you understand the problems of the modern world

you easily classify objects in a hierarchy

you can easily see dependencies and patterns in nature

you observe, recognize and "understand" the world of plants and animals

you are fascinated by the surrounding world of nature

you collect nature specimens

you collect or eagerly use albums, paintings, films or books about nature

you are interested in natural, physical and chemical phenomena

you take care of an animal, plant, you are the owner / breeder of an animal / plant

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32-020 Wieliczka
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